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BIP - Fostering Youth Entrepreneurship in the Region


The ageing of the existing generation of entrepreneurs has led to the reduction of businesses that are essential to many localities. At the same time, young people face significant challenges in building their professional future. Thus, in addition to the need for generational renewal in the business sector, factors such as the lack of job opportunities, limited access to contact networks and support for entrepreneurship, as well as a culture of risk aversion, contribute to low entrepreneurial initiative. Many young people choose to emigrate or move to urban centres in search of better opportunities, intensifying depopulation and limiting local innovation. Although there are programmes to support entrepreneurship, the take-up and implementation of new business projects is still low.


Young people from the region, Schools and Universities, Local Companies, Town Halls, Business Associations, Business Incubators, and Emigrant Communities.


How can we encourage an entrepreneurial culture among young people, promoting the creation of innovative and sustainable businesses in the region and renewing the generation of entrepreneurs?

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